How We Rise: The Steve Nash Story

I have some additional thoughts on this, but I found Mr. Sanders’ comments to be very accurate. I believe these same lessons apply to the spiritual life as well as the everyday life this post probably intends to address. When God calls us to a mission or project, we’re there not to show off our own greatness, but to lift everyone else up, thus making the whole effort more successful. Consider the Apostle Paul’s statement about the parts of the body and how each needs the other to succeed. (1 Cor 12)
We’re given grace – divine empowerment – to make a change and live as God desires. Grace covers our sins but never excuses our sins. It “teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness” and yes to divine purpose (Titus 2:11-12). Grace is neither license nor liberty to accept less than our best effort.
What will we do with the talents and the grace God pours out on us today?

The Better Man Project

In college, one of my professors told me a story about Steve Nash and how he viewed his success in the NBA. Apparently Nash had told a reporter that his goal wasn’t to be the best player on his team, but to be the guy who made every other teammate the best they could possibly be. He knew that if he raised everyone else up that the team had a much better chance to succeed. That was his goal.

Tonight is just going to be full of memories from the past…just an FYI.

My dad taught me once that you always operate on an equation when you are going after a goal. He told me that your excitement for success has to be greater than your fear of failure. Of course, this is a sliding scale and you move back and forth from time to time, but in all, you…

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